Linux Offline Install Guide

Installing VS Code

  1. Download the Linux .deb file from
  2. Double-click on the .deb file in the file explorer
  3. Click the “Install” button to install VSCode
Install VS-Code

Download the WPILib release

Download the latest Linux release from Right-click on the downloaded archive, click “Extract Here”

WPILib GitHub
Extract WPILib

Moving to FRC2019

  1. Create a directory in your home directory called frc2019 - either from the file manager or with $ mkdir ~/frc2019
  2. Drag the contents of WPILIB_Linux-2019.1.1 directory to ~/frc2019 or run $ mv -v WPILib_Linux-2019.1.1/* ~/frc2019
Tools Updater

Running Tools Updater

To extract the WPILib tools (Dashboards, Robot Builder, etc.), run: * $ cd ~/frc2019/tools * $ python3

Installing the extensions for WPILib VS Code

  1. Start VSCODE ($ code or search “Visual Studio Code” in your aplication launcher)
  2. Control-Shift-P to bring up the command palette, type “Install from VSIX”
  3. Select “Extensions: Install from VSIX”
  4. Navigate to ~/frc2019/vsCodeExtensions and select Cpp.vsix
  5. Repeat for JavaLang.vsix, JavaDeps.vsix, JavaDebug.vsix, and WPILib.vsix in that order
Install VSIX
VSIX Files

Setting up VSCode to use Java 11

The WPILib installation includes a JDK, however you need to point VS Code at where it is. To do this: 1. Open VS Code 2. Press Ctrl-Shift-P and type WPILib or click on the WPILib icon in the top right to open the WPILib Command Palette 3. Begin typing Set VS Code Java Home to FRC Home and select that item from the dropdown.

Java 11